Understanding the wealth management market

marché de la gestion de patrimoine une étude finopia

Everything you need to know about the wealth management market in France

Find out about trends, players and regulations in this exciting sector.

Wealth management is a constantly evolving sector in France. Individuals and companies are increasingly looking to optimize their wealth and make it grow. In this context, wealth management advisors have a key role to play in supporting their clients’ investment choices. Our study of the wealth management market in France provides a comprehensive overview of this exciting sector. We analyzed demand, supply and current regulations, as well as the positioning of market players. We also looked at current trends and future prospects to better understand the challenges facing this sector. Demand for wealth management services in France is stable, with the clientele mainly made up of private individuals. High net worth individuals are the core target of wealth management advisors, but many companies also benefit from this service. The wealth management market in France is particularly fragmented, as it is divided between many different types of player. Nevertheless, the majority of sales are captured by a handful of players. The current market trend is towards digitalization, with the emergence of “fintechs” such as Yomoni, Advize, Nalo and Finary. Investments with greater environmental and social impact are also on the rise, reflecting growing awareness of environmental and social issues. Our study provides a detailed analysis of the demand for wealth management in France, looking at the different types of customer and their specific needs. We also took a close look at the supply side, analyzing the different types of players on the market and their positioning. Finally, we looked at current regulations, in particular the Pacte Act, which has radically altered the regulatory framework for wealth management in France.

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