Change management: a key process

la conduite du changement un processus clef

Change management: a key process

Change management is a planned process designed to facilitate and manage the transition of an organization, group or individual from a current state to a desired state. It aims to minimize resistance to change and maximize the successful adoption and implementation of new ideas, processes or technologies.

In a strategy consulting firm, change management refers to supporting a company or organization to manage key transitions effectively. Change management consultants help customers identify change needs, plan and implement solutions to achieve change objectives.

At finopia, the key activities of a change management consultant include needs assessment, analysis of objectives and processes, change planning, communication and awareness-raising, resistance management, implementation and follow-up.

By working with consulting firms, companies and organizations can benefit from specialized expertise, cutting-edge tools and methodologies to manage the challenges associated with change and achieve positive results.

Example of change management

Let’s assume that the SME is a transport and delivery company that still uses manual systems to track orders and deliveries. To improve the company’s efficiency, management decided to implement a new cloud-based supply chain management system.
Here are the stages of change management for the implementation of this new system:

  1. Needs analysis: management works with a change management consultant to understand the company’s needs and identify opportunities for improving efficiency. The analysis shows that implementing a new cloud-based supply chain management system is necessary to improve order and delivery tracking processes.
  2. Change planning: the consultant helps the SME to draw up a detailed plan for implementing the new system, including costs, timescales, resource requirements and potential risks. This plan also includes a strategy for communicating with employees about the impact of change and managing potential resistance.
  3. Communication: The consultant helps the SME to communicate with employees about the reasons for and benefits of implementing the new system. He also organizes training sessions to help employees understand how to use the new system and how work processes will change.
  4. Resistance management: the consultant works with the SME to manage potential resistance from employees, using management techniques to minimize negative impacts on implementation.
  5. Implementation: The SME implements the new system, training employees and supporting them during the transition. The consultant continues to work with the SME to monitor progress and identify opportunities for improvement.
  6. Evaluation: After implementation, the consultant helps the SME to evaluate the results of the change and the progress made. If necessary, further adjustments can be made to ensure that the company’s objectives are met.
  7. Follow-up: The SME continues to monitor processes to ensure that the new system is working effectively and delivering the expected benefits. Key KPIs (such as delivery times, quality of products delivered, procurement costs, etc.) are tracked regularly to measure results. The consultant can help the SME establish clear and relevant performance indicators to assess the effectiveness of the new supply chain management system. If the actual results are different from what was expected, the SME can use the monitoring data to understand the root causes of the discrepancies. If necessary, the consultant can help identify further improvement opportunities to optimize the results of the new system.

This is an example of change management at an SME in La Réunion implementing a new supply chain management system. Change management is a key process for managing the impact of change on employees, work processes and business results. It helps companies to better manage the uncertainties, resistance and obstacles that can arise when implementing new systems or processes.